The Benefits

The program has been designed using academic research at its core. Experts in child development created Playtime Adventure to meet the Physical Development and Social-Emotional Learning needs of young children that will benefit them in many areas of their life.


Make it stand out

Whatever it is, the way you tell your story online can make all the difference.

Have Fun & Build Confidence


Lay A Foundation For Success


Promote A Healthy & Active Lifestyle


Foster Peer
Play & Friendships

Why is Playtime Adventure So Important?

Expectations Are Too High.

We expect children to be able to play sports without really breaking down the key motor skills needed to perform them.

Learn The Right Way.

Key motor skills are neglected through early sport specialization. It’s like asking your child how to do the math before they can even count from 1-10, or read a book before teaching them the alphabet.

Early Specialization

Children who specialize early in a sport will most likely NOT develop a wide variety of Fundamental Motor Skills. They will probably practice only those skills necessary for their specific sport and will miss the chance to acquire a multitude of skills such as throwing, catching, kicking, jumping, and sliding, essential to participating in a range of physical activities later in life.

Children must acquire a wide variety of locomotion skills, object control, and stability before progressing onto combined skills and sport-specific games.

‘It is harder to acquire the Fundamental Motor Skills in the later teen to early-adult years than during childhood.’

Branta, C. (2010) Sport Specialization- Developmental and Learning Issues. Journal of Physical Education, Recreation and Dance 81.8:(pg19)